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 Sources AION

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Nombre de messages : 725
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Ven 4 Sep - 11:32

Sources AION

Sources AION Capuci10

(EN) AION Source (curse) :

Etat des serveurs :


SILOU Wishlist :
Profil Mercenaires :
Simulateur de manastones au 50 :

Grind planner :



(FR) Forum AION JOL :
(FR) Forum AION Infinity :
(FR) Site AION JOL :
(FR) Site AION Infinity :
(FR) Site Luna Altra :

(FR) Guides AION Infinity :


- Quetes Tolbias village :
- Quêtes Poeta :
- Sanctum :
- Verteron :

Verteron - Tolbias - Amulettes dukaki :

Verteron Odium Chaudron :

- Cartes et spots aether :

Guide ;


(FR) JOL forum :

(FR) AION Earth :
(FR) JOL forum :
(FR) JOL les nouveaux templates de l'AEDE à la 1.5 :

(EN) AION Source - chanter :
(EN) AION Armory Skills :
(EN) Stigma calculator - chanter :

(EN) Templar skill :

(FR) Aion Infinity :

Mage spiritualiste

(FR) Esprit du feu (10) :
(Fr) Esprit du vent (13) :
(FR) Esprit de la Terre (16) :
(FR) Esprit de l'eau (19) :

Guide Millenium :
Interview sur le spiritualiste :


- Anthology : (asmodéenne) - tita
- (asmodéenne) - Mmorgum
- Mercenaires :
Alliance des Seigneurs : (élyséenne)

Communauté Rôliste RP AION :

- Cartes des ressources :
- (FR)
- Guide :
- Guide Handicraft Millenium :
- Bijouterie :

(EN) Speed Leveling Guide 1-10 Elyos :
(EN) How to earn kinahs :

Dernière édition par Silou le Lun 23 Nov - 13:56, édité 62 fois
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Ven 4 Sep - 18:16

(EN) AION WIKI - les visages pré-définis :

(EN) AION Wiki - les emblèmes des targets :

(FR) Les points Abysses comment ca marche :

(FR) Statistiques de perso :

(EN) Macros Cleric :
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

Sources AION Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 5 Sep - 12:22

Site utilisateurs NVidia :

Erreur Gameguard 114 :!!&p_li=&p_topview=1


Patch :
Patch 1.5.05 :

Originally Posted by Sagira View Post
If you're in the EU I think the details posted were wrong. The .26 address doesn't work for me either, try these parameters (which DO work for me). Note, not just different IP but cc parameter is different too:

-ip: -port:2106 -cc:2

Info is from here.

Dernière édition par Silou le Mer 16 Sep - 10:33, édité 4 fois
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 5 Sep - 23:35


Dernière édition par Silou le Ven 11 Sep - 12:14, édité 1 fois
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 5 Sep - 23:46

Mon ancien site :
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Mar 8 Sep - 18:44


Posté par cyberbob113

Magical attack, si vous avez ce type de bonus dans votre équipement dites vous que c'est super utile pour un sorcier ou un spirit car ça donne un bonus aux attaques de votre orbe ou de votre book au cac...Donc évitez.

Magical accuracy, ça sert à vaincre les résistances magiques des mobs qui sont souvent très conséquentes. Les joueurs "tissus" et les "plates" ont de gros bonus eux aussi c'est donc souvent préférable d'utiliser un book surtout si vous avez peu de manastones magical accuracy dans votre stuff.

Magical boost, augmente les dégâts des sorts au taux de 1/12. Pour avoir un bonus aux dégâts de 100% il faut avoir donc 1200 en magic boost. Les pts supérieurs à 1200 sont réduit par 2 (1500 de magic boost donne 112% de majoration aux dégâts et non 125%).

Magical crit, ça existe mais il faut un haut score dans cette stat et en magical boost pour que ça se remarque, rien à voir avec le physical crit. Je ne conseil pas d'essayer de monter cette caractéristique au départ car il y a trop peu de ces items et il vaut mieux, dumoins au départ, se consacrer à magical boost et magical accuracy. Sachez juste qu'un crit magique multipli par 1.5 les dégâts et qu'au lvl 50 une stigma spéciale (je parle des 3 nouvelles et non des 5 de base) permet pour un temps de donner un bonus de 100% à cette stat, soit un bonus de 1000... Il fallait bien s'en douter, pourquoi les casters seraient ils les seuls à ne pas pouvoir faire de crit.
Hélas magical boost et magical accuracy sont si important pour un sorcier ou un spiritmaster qu'il est difficile et peu interessant de monter magical crit. D'autant qu'il faut 10 pts de cette stat pour donner 1% de crit, bon courage pour arriver à 50%.
(Biensur les spritmasters faisant principalement des dots risquent de ne pas remarquer grand chose lors d'un crit, en tous cas c'est moins flagrant, et de loin, par rapport à un sorcier)

Magical resist, donne des résistances aux sorts et aux effets. On peut résister aux effets partiellement ou complètement. Il existe des manastones de ce type, à garder précieusement pour les stuffs de haut levels car ça permet de résister à nombre de choses, dont l'ambush de l'assassin qui arrive alors au corps à corps sans stuner son adversaire.
Donc en gros, çà dépendra du type de sorts à lancer, de la cible et du gameplay (PvP ou PvE, ou ...)

Autre petite interrogation: dans le cas du spiritualiste, est ce que les caractéristiques de l'Orbe ou du Livre ont une influence sur son Pet ??
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Mer 9 Sep - 15:06
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Jeu 10 Sep - 15:33

September 9, 2009 4:38 PM

Beaucoup d'entre vous ont exprimé le souhait de connaître la liste des serveurs Aion lors du lancement officiel du jeu. Nous avons listé le nom des serveurs ci-dessous avec leur langue officielle. L'heure des serveurs sera fixée à GMT+1 (la même qu'en France), ainsi l'Europe centrale sera en synchronisation avec l'heure interne des serveurs (ce qui affecte les forteresses). L'heure d'été sera prise en compte.

Nous aurons des serveurs anglais, français et allemand, cependant avant le début de la présélection (qui commence le 18 septembre 2009) nous allons lancer un sondage communautaire où vous pourrez indiquer quel serveur vous comptez rejoindre lors de la sortie du jeu afin que vous puissiez avoir une vue d'ensemble et peut-être vous aider dans votre choix.

Nous allons faire un sondage similaire pour les roleplayers. Nous avons pris la décision de ne pas créer de serveur roleplay officiel. Cependant, nous pensons que les roleplayers sont une part essentielle de notre communauté, et nous supportons leur initiative de choisir un serveur comme serveur roleplay non officiel. Aion vous permet de créer vos propres canaux de discussion, et nous voyons déjà beaucoup de groupes de roleplayers qui définissent leurs propres règles et construisent leurs propres communautés. Prenez votre temps pour vous organiser avant que le sondage ne soit publié, et choisissez ensuite le serveur qui vous donnera la meilleure chance de trouver des roleplayers avec les mêmes intérêts.

Nous sommes impatients de vous retrouver sur l'un de nos serveurs lors de la sortie d'Aion !

[FRA] Urtem
[FRA] Vidar
[FRA] Suthran

[ENG] Spatalos
[ENG] Telemachus
[ENG] Castor
[ENG] Perento
[ENG] Gorgos

[GER] Kromede
[GER] Thor
[GER] Votan
[GER] Balder

Donc le serveur 2, francophone, sera VIDAR... Puisque l'objectif est de vider tout ce que ce monde peut compter d'Elyséens, le choix était prémonitoire Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 725
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 12 Sep - 23:32

In Aion, there are six different crafting skills: Alchemy, Armorsmithing, Cooking, Handicrafting, Sewing, and Weaponsmithing. In order to learn a craft, you must find that craft's expert from your race's major city and pay ~3,500 Kinah.

For Asmodians, go to the Temple of Artisans in Pandaemonium and find:
Alchemy: Honir
Armorsmithing: Kinterun
Cooking: Lainita
Handicrafting: Lanse
Sewing: Zyakia
Weaponsmithing: Rogi

For Elyos, go to the Artisans' Hall in Sanctum and find:
Alchemy: Diana
Armorsmithing: Vulcanus
Cooking: Hestia
Handicrafting: Utsida
Sewing: Daphnis
Weaponsmithing: Anteros

Each character can learn every craft and reach a skill of 399; however each character can only become a master at one craft.

The Basics

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Now that you have learned a craft, there are a few important guidelines to follow. The first is accessing your craft window. To do this, open up your Skills window and select the Crafting tab, then Right-Click on your craft to bring up its window. At the top of the window, under the name of the craft, is your experience bar. If you just learned it, it will say '1/99'. As you get closer to 99, just like gaining regular experience, the bar will fill up. However, when you max out at 99, you will need to return to your craft's expert (the names listed above) and pay to learn the next level. The following are the prices to pay.

Lesser = ~3,500 Kinah
Regular = ~17,000 Kinah
Greater = ~115,000 Kinah
Expert = ~460,000 Kinah
Master = ~1,500,000 Kinah
Prices change depending on your faction's current influence

When you pay the price above to learn the next level, you will gain 1 skill point. For example, if you are at 99 and pay ~17,000 Kinah to become a Regular crafter, your skill will become 100.

The large area below the experience bar in the crafting window is the list of your recipes. They are organized by category and you can hide or show each category by clicking the box to the left of the category name. When you accept a Work Order, they will automatically be the first category.

The two boxes on the right side, called Product and Required Materials, are just that. When you click a specific recipe, the end result will appear in the Product box and the required materials to make that recipe will appear in the Required Materials box.

On the bottom right of the window are two buttons and a box in-between them. The right button is to craft the number in the box of the currently selected recipe. The left button is craft all, which places the maximum number you can craft of the currently selected recipe into that box.

When you are actually crafting, the success or fail rate is dependent on your skill compared to the recipe and chance. If your skill is equal to that of the recipe's level, your chance of failing is around 33%. If your skill is 3 points higher than that of the recipe's level, your chance of failing is around 15%. If your skill is between 5 and 10 points higher, your chance of failing is minimal. Once you are above 10, your chance of failing is incredibly low. Once the recipe turns grey, your chance of failing is 0.

Lastly, as you level up, visit the same merchant as you do for supplies to purchase some of your craft's recipes. The rest of the recipes can be obtained through quests or are dropped.

Actually Crafting
If you just started a craft, go to your craft's expert and accept the work order for '1P' (stands for a skill level of 1 point) by clicking 'Craft Request'. Now, find a workstation and Right-Click it to bring up your craft window. Select the recipe for the work order. Since the quest requires that you make 3 Gritty Clams, change the '1' to a '3' in the box and then hit the craft button. As you're crafting, each time you fail, hit the > arrow to increase the amount you need to craft to fulfill the quest. Once you are done, return to your craft's expert and turn in the work order. Continue this process until you are at a skill of 10 and can receive your first real work order.

Once you accept the quest for the work order for '10P', open your craft window and select the recipe for the work order you just accepted. Now look at the required materials. As a general rule, multiple each material by however many finished products you need to complete the quest (if you have the work order for 10P, this number is 6), and then multiple that by a factor of 6 (that is around the least amount of attempts you can possibly do to raise your skill to the point where you can accept the next work order). Once you have calculated how many materials you will need, visit the merchant, who is also inside of the crafting room, and purchase those materials. As your skill becomes higher, it will require more than 6 work orders to raise your skill level by 10.

As a general rule, I usually purchase one extra the amount of work orders I think will raise my skill level by 10 since there are usually failures at the beginning. If you purchase exactly the right amount and fail just once, you won't be able to finish your last work order and will have to buy more materials. However, purchasing one extra will give you the cushion to fail up to 6 times (more at higher skill levels).

If you need clarification on this, let's take a look at an example. If you just learned Cooking, you would accept the work order for 'Salted Pujery Supply 10P'. Open your craft window and select the recipe for 'Salted Pujery'. The required materials are your given materials and 1 Salt. Now, the required amount of finished products for the quest is 6. Thus, multiple 1 Salt by 6, which is 6 Salts. Now, you need a skill of 20 to obtain the next work order, so multiple the 6 Salts by 7 (6 and 1 spare), which is 42 Salts. Now, visit the merchant and purchase 42 Salts. The next part is a trick that you will love. Position yourself between your craft's expert and the closest workstation. Then put yourself as far away from the workstation as possible, but still able to craft. You should be exactly in the middle between the workstation and your craft's expert. As you finish each work order, simply Right-Click your craft's expert, turn in the work order, accept the new one, chance the number from '1' to '6', then hit the craft button. You won't even have to move! This can save massive amounts of time if you plan on crafting for a long time.

The last bit of information is for when you are crafting actual items. When you craft an item, most of them have a chance to (what I call) proc. This is when you are, for example, crafting a white item and then it proc's into a green item. This is what I specifically mean:

Regular Craft:

Proc'd Craft:

Now that you know the basics of crafting and how to craft work orders to raise your skill, the next part of the guide will go into detail of the benefits of each craft.

Detailed Overview of Crafts
This section is aimed at providing you what each craft can make, how difficult or expensive it is to craft, and who the craft itself is good for.

Alchemy is used for creating potions, scrolls, Manastones, orbs, and spellbooks. Other than orbs and spellbooks, all of the creations are considered commodities. Thus, they are not very difficult to craft and are not sold for a lot of Kinah. At all times, you can find lots of potions, scrolls, and Manastones through a Trade Broker. Furthermore, the materials required for crafting these items can be easily found as well.

The main perks of Alchemy are having access to your own potions, scrolls, and Manastones (something we all use frequently and may not want to have to buy) and to create orbs and spellbooks if you are of the Mage class. I would not suggest picking Alchemy to simply craft orbs and spellbooks to sell, as there are better crafts for that. I strongly suggest picking up Alchemy if you are of the Mage class, and simply suggest it for those who gather lots of herbs and want to use them for something. One negative for being an Alchemist is that it requires lots of inventory/bank space. There are lots of various materials (lots of herbs, basic materials, and Manastones) required to craft everything, which can fill up inventories fast.

Armorsmithing is used for creating shields, chain helmets, plate helmets, chain armor, and plate armor. Armorsmithing is very useful to have if you are of the Priest or Warrior classes, as you can fill 6 or 7 inventory slots with high quality crafted gear, making a big difference in your character's statistics. Armorsmithing really only requires Aether, ore, and Kinah. If you are like me and want a full set of the best possible gear, you will spend 5 hours gathering hundreds of ore and Aether to craft 5 of one item in order to get a 'proc' out of it. This not only is a huge time sink, but it also becomes very expensive, as turning raw ore into usable ingots is very expensive. And if you do not 'proc', the failed item is barely worth as much as you spent on it. However, it is very nice to be able to have a full set of great gear every 5 levels.

Basically, if you are a Priest or Warrior, I'd suggest picking up Armorsmithing; even the basic recipes craft decent gear. If you get 'proc's, all the better. As far as using it to make money, it simply requires too much time to be of any real value, but occasionally you will have an extra 'proc'd item that will sell for a lot.

Cooking is only used for creating food. This, more or less, is used for temporarily boosting certain statistics. It is fairly inexpensive to cook and I would suggest it to anyone who uses food on a regular basis. However, there is little money to be made from it if you include the time it takes to gather and cook. Also, you can simply purchase food off of the Trade Broker or from a merchant with near the same benefits for a reasonably cheap price. If you plan on consuming lots of food, as in never being without a buff, then I'd suggest it. However, if you only plan on using food for groups or hard areas, I wouldn't suggest spending the time raising it up.

Handicrafting is used for creating rings, earrings, necklaces, glasses (head slot), bows, and staffs. Handicrafting is both expensive and time consuming to craft, but also the best craft for making money. For jewelry, gems are the primary material. It is fairly uncommon throughout areas and can only be gathered once per node, unlike everything else that can be gathered 3 times. This increases the amount of time required to gather lots of materials for attempts. Also, it is pretty much required to 'proc' on the initial recipe to make anything of value, both to you or to someone else. Once you do proc, you can then use that for an even better recipe, which also has a chance to 'proc'. Even if the second recipe doesn't 'proc', you will still have a very valuable item to use or sell. If it does 'proc', the value triples.

Overall, Handicrafting is the best craft for making money. You can spend 2 hours gathering and create a few valuable pieces of jewelry that will sell for lots of money, let alone, good rings, earrings, and necklaces are hard to find other than from Handicrafting. If you choose Handicrafting as your main or secondary craft, you will not be disappointed. I would highly suggest Handicrafting for Rangers and Chanters, but really for anyone who is willing to craft, period, as it is very rewarding.

Sewing is used for creating belts, cloth helmets, leather helmets, cloth armor, and leather armor. As the same for Armorsmithing, this craft is mainly designed to be used by the other two classes: Scouts and Mages. There is not a big market for making money from this craft and it is just as time consuming and costly as Armorsmithing. If you are a Scout or Mage, I would highly suggest using this craft, even if you do not want to invest the time to create full sets of 'proc'd gear; as the basics are still useful. And the occasional extra 'proc'd piece will sell for a pretty penny.

Weaponsmithing is used for creating daggers, swords, maces, greatswords, and polearms. Weaponsmithing is both costly and time consuming to create, but fairly rewarding. If you are a class that uses any of the above weapons, I definitely suggest picking up this craft. However, you can go without it and purchase similar items from the Trade Broker for similar prices. For instance, if a 100 damage sword can be crafted for roughly 100,000 Kinah in materials and failed attempts, then there's probably a 90 damage sword for sale through the Trade Broker at 90,000 Kinah. The real benefit from Weaponsmithing is gathering lots of materials and attempting to get as many 'proc's as possible and then selling the ones you don't use.

Weaponsmithing works similar to Handicrafting where you need to 'proc' the regular recipe in order to use in another recipe and then 'proc' that to get the best result. Even if the second fails, you still will have a valuable item. If it succeeds, you will have a very valuable item. The best results can fetch prices in the millions, which is attractive at any level. Overall, Weaponsmithing is not a bad craft for any class that uses the weapons listed above, but I definitely suggest it for Templars, Gladiators, and Assassins.

After reading this guide, you should have a good idea of how Aion's crafting system works and the basics of each specific craft.
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Nombre de messages : 725
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

Sources AION Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Dim 13 Sep - 11:18

Erreur 1024 résolue Smile

* le dernier patch ( à mis en place le systeme de séparation multilanguage et il ne se lance donc plus en français puisque les fichier sons et cinématiques FR n'existent pas (c'est ça l'erreur 1024 ^^)

il suffit donc dans votre launcher ncsoft de faire un clic droit sur "aion", cliquer sur "propriétés" et enfin sur "options de langue"

et là il faut cocher la case "anglais" et mettre l'option 'démarrer le jeu en" sur anglais

par contre attention votre launcher est en français et donc l'option "démarrer le jeu en" se remettra sur français à chaque lancement du launcher il faut donc penser à le remettre sur anglais à chaque fois ou alors à mettre le launcher en anglais.
* Normalement l'option ne devrait pas bouger mais avec ncsoft vaut mieux vérifier des fois.

ceci n'est bien sur valable que pour la fin de la béta (et peux être pour l'accès anticiper) puisque lors de la sortie du jeu les fichiers de langue FR devraient être disponibles dans une maj.
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Ven 18 Sep - 21:58

mega upload patch du 18sept


Dernière édition par Silou le Sam 19 Sep - 0:11, édité 1 fois
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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 19 Sep - 0:00

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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

Sources AION Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 19 Sep - 0:18

Solution trouver et sa fonctionne

Dans le Luncher en bas il y a un AION de pas installer

Vous faite clic droit dessus propriété et rechercher le dossier ou AION est installé de base s'est NCSOFT Aion north america après Bin32 et Aion vous faite ok et vous continuer après la vérification de l'installation du jeux forcer la mise a jour et le fichier de 331Mo ce Re dl en UE_FRA qui est en FR et l'autre d'avant qui est coréen est NA_FRA .

Et normalement s'est good

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Date d'inscription : 08/09/2006

Sources AION Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sources AION   Sources AION Icon_minitime1Sam 19 Sep - 0:52
Solution trouver et sa fonctionne

Dans le Luncher en bas il y a un AION de pas installer

Vous faite clic droit dessus propriété et rechercher le dossier ou AION est installé de base s'est NCSOFT Aion north america après Bin32 et Aion vous faite ok et vous continuer après la vérification de l'installation du jeux forcer la mise a jour et le fichier de 331Mo ce Re dl en UE_FRA qui est en FR et l'autre d'avant qui est coréen est NA_FRA .

Et normalement s'est good
Essaie ca

Une solution qui a fonctionné pour certains:

Dans le launcher NCSoft:

Fichier > Paramètres > Avancés:

Vérifier que la région est Europe et la langue Français.

Renommer le dossier de jeu "Aion (US)" (ou autre), en AionEU. Dans le Launcher, cela passera Aion (North America) en Aion.

Attention, il est possible (je ne sais pas pourquoi -_- ) qu'Aion passe en non installé. Il faut faire clic droit sur Aion, propriétés, puis aller chercher le fichier Aion.bin.

Dans Aion, dans le Launcher, clic droit dessus, propriétés, Option de langues, cocher Français. *

Là, il est possible qu'il y est de mises à jour à (re)faire (pour avoir les patch français 0.5 et 1.0). Et une réparation à faire, si besoin, une fois que tout est installé.

Et là, le jeu sera en français, le vilain (North America) aura disparu.

*Il se peut qu'une erreur se produise, dans ce cas, créé le dossier "components" dans le dossier L10N d'Aion, puis créer le fichier "LocalizationComponents.ini", avec dedans:


PS: Grand Merci à Crevette pour certaines informations
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